The National Public Health Performance Standards Program (NPHPSP) is a national partnership that has developed public health performance standards for state and local public health systems and for public health governing bodies. The NPHPSP assessments are based on the 10 Essential Public Health Services and intended to help users answer questions like, "What are the activities and capacities of our public health system?" and "How well are we providing the Essential Public Health Services in our jurisdiction?"
Assessments are completed with system partners using a consensus process. The dialogue that occurs in the answering of these questions helps identify strengths and weaknesses and determine opportunities for improvement within a jurisdiction/county. Results from the assessments are used towards quality and performance improvement.
General- Riley County Health Department
- National Public Health Performance Standards (NPHPS)
- NPHPS Local Implementation Guide
- NPHPS Local Instrument
- NPHPS Glossary