Nonprofit Security Grant Program (NSGP) Application Information

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The FY24 application period is now closed. However, you can start preparing now for FY25. The application process will be similar to this year. Explore trainings and resources on this site for more information.

FY24 Applicants:

  • Thanks to everyone who submitted! We received 97 applications from 65 organizations requesting $11,140,533 in funding. According to FEMA's most recent announcement, Kansas' target allocation is $2,565,000.
  • Kansas' FY24 NSGP applications were submitted to FEMA for review on June 6, 2024.
  • The anticipated award date should be no later than September 30, 2024. There is no need to check in on the status of the application. We will inform all applicants of the results once we are notified by FEMA.
  • As soon as we are notified of the award, the SAA will send out communication to all applicants, so please make sure your contacts are up to date in Astra.

The FY24 application period is now closed. However, the FY25 process will be similar, and this information can help you prepare for a FY25 application.

FY24 NSGP Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) and Supporting Documents:
Submission Scoring Resources
These resources are completed by the SAA and are only provided as references for applicants.
FEMA Resources
Submission Instructions
(For Non Kansas City Metro Area Counties; Johnson, Leavenworth, and Wyandotte Counties please see instructions for Kansas City Metro Area Counties)
  1. Obtain a Unique Entity Identifier (UEI). Must be obtained before submitting your application packet. Make sure you use the correct website ( as there is no cost to register. You do not have to maintain the UEI.
  2. Complete the following documents:
    • NSGP Investment Justification (IJ)
    • Vulnerability/Risk Assessment: If you cannot schedule an on-site risk assessment, you can utilize a self risk assessment, or contact us directly for assistance. Each nonprofit subapplicant must include a vulnerability/risk assessment unique to the site the IJ is being submitted for.
    • Mission Statement: If you do not have a mission statement, you will need to create one.
  3. Submit all completed documents to Astra no later than May 28, 2024.
FY24 application timeline:
  • April 16: Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) released
  • May 28: Final deadline for nonprofit application submission on Astra
  • June 24: Applications submitted by SAA to FEMA for review
Additional Information, Resources and Training for Applying
Nonprofit Security Grant (NSGP) Education Calls

KHP hosted two educational sessions looking forward to the FY24 Nonprofit security grant. While the base presentations were identical, the attendee questions and discussion were different.

What you should know for FY24 NSGP Application

This funding opportunity is for security enhancements to existing, at risk, occupied, Kansas, eligible nonprofit facilities to prepare and prevent acts of terrorism. It also seeks to integrate the preparedness activities of nonprofit organizations with broader state and local preparedness efforts.

  • This year's funding has decreased from the amount available last year, making the process more competitive than ever. Feel free to utilize any of the training opportunities on our trainings page to help your organization achieve the best score possible. For Kansas, the FY24 NSGP-S Target Allocation is $2,565,000 (pg 13 of the NOFO).
  • The Investment Justification (IJ) form has been revised. If you began using the old IJ, please transpose the information over to the new form before submission.
  • Eligibility requirements apply.
  • The facility you are applying for must be completed (not under construction), occupied, and operational by the time of application and located in Kansas.
    • This opportunity is not for building a new facility nor is it for cemeteries and is strictly for security enhancements.
  • Max per site remains $150,000 for up to 3 sites, for a maximum of $450,000 per organization per application year.
    • A separate application-Risk Assessment-Mission Statement must be submitted per site.
  • Bonus points will be given to new applicants/organizations and organizations located in disadvantaged communities.
    • FEMA will add 10 points to the scores of organizations that are located within a disadvantaged community and demonstrate how they serve a disadvantaged community or population. New in FY 2024, FEMA will apply Climate and Economic Justice Screening Tool (CEJST) (created by the Council on Environmental Quality's pursuant to Executive Order 14008, and which FEMA also uses other programs) to each subapplicant using the address of their physical location.
Be sure to...
  • Obtain a Unique Entity Identifier ( and a Mission Statement.
  • Obtain or Conduct a Risk Assessment on each facility.
  • Read through and answer all sections of the FY24 IJ form.
    • We recommend using a word document to collect the information to assist with spell check and grammar.
Kansas City Metro Area Counties

Kansas City had once again been selected as part of the Urban Area Security Initiative (UASI). Nonprofits from the counties Leavenworth, Wyandotte, and Johnson, had to apply to the NSGP through the Missouri Office of Homeland Security. For more information, please refer to the Application Workshop slideshow below:

Astra System

For those interested in the Nonprofit Security Grant Program (NSGP), the Astra system offers two functions for our partners:

  1. Subscribing for NSGP announcements to stay informed about the application process. Everyone should subscribe.
  2. Registering as a user. Those interested in submitting an application should register. All future applications will be submitted through Astra.

If you are interested in applying for the FY25 Nonprofit Security Grant Program and have not yet registered as an Astra user, register here:

Your registration will be reviewed by an administrator before it is approved, which may take 1-2 days. Once you have completed your documents, submit them on Astra. (Do not email submission documents.)

NSGP Astra Quick Start Guide: We are excited to share with you the Astra NSGP Quick Start Guide! This guide is intended to help familiarize users with the Astra system, from subscribing to NSGP update emails, to submitting a project in the system. You can view the Astra NSGP Quick Start Guide via the link below.

Astra Help Videos: We have put together four short tutorial videos detailing different functions within the Astra system. you can find these videos on the Astra Help Page, linked below.

Risk Assessments

It is necessary to complete a Vulnerability/Risk Assessment to apply for FY 2024 NSGP funds. Currently, DHS is unable to conduct on-site security assessments. However, there are other assessment options:

As you determine equipment needs for your FY25 submission, make sure equipment is allowable. Your verbiage describing any equipment should match that used in the AEL. See the below list of authorized equipment for this grant program:

Approval of Small Projects Waiver of the BABAA Requirements from FEMA

The Office of Management and Budget (OMB) approved FEMA's Small Projects Waiver of the Build America, Buy America Act (BABAA) requirements. This waiver applies to projects under FEMA federal financial assistance awards or subawards where the total project cost does not exceed the federal simplified acquisition threshold (currently set at $250,000).

This waiver is effective upon approval date, which is Feb. 21, 2023, and will remain in effect for recipients and subrecipients of FEMA programs subject to BABAA for a period of five years from the issue date, which is Feb. 20, 2028. Guidance outlining the application of the Small Projects waiver is forthcoming.

Contact Information

If you have questions regarding any of the content on this page, feel free to contact

Lt. Edna Murphy, Melanie Lawrence, and the KHP Team at [email protected].

For questions regarding risk assessments, feel free to contact:

Chuck Clanahan (Kansas City KS/MO) at [email protected]

Tim Morgan (Kansas District) at [email protected]

You may also reach out to contracted staff support Connie Satzler.